Monday 24 November 2014

What is Society?

Society, what is it?   Google defines it as "the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community."   However, how do we, as the members of this society, see it?   Hop onto Instagram and find any teenage girl that smokes weed, she'll tell you through some shitty cartoon that society is merely something 'The Man' created to brainwash us or some crap like that.   How about you shut the hell up and go back to taking your GCSEs.

Take a moment to think about what you feel this 'society' is.   Is it a class system?   Is is something that tells us what we can or can't do?   Or is it just a group of people judging everything that goes on today?    Being a teenager on social media, not a day goes past where I don't see a fellow teenager cry out about the world's problems, telling everyone how these problems can be fixed.   Congratulations, you've just ended every crisis to have ever existed in 140 characters!   No.   You are not the next Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi, get over yourself.

People always say, "Society looks down upon teenage pregnancy."   WHO IS SOCIETY?! Is society just some old bigot, demanding that we do only everything the older generations demand of us?   Our Grandparents were getting married at 16 only a hundred years ago, and so, in this day and age, any girl of legal age has every right to get pregnant, it's their life not yours.

People need to come down off of their high horse and just accept that people are not always going to do what YOU want just because that's how YOU feel people should behave.   Get back to your own lives and stop judging others, thanks.

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