Thursday 12 February 2015

Porn Addiction

Today I'm writing about something all of you can relate to, you perverts.

Let me hit you guys up with some statistics.
  • As of 2013, we have about 7.125 billion people living on this planet
  • There are over 3 billion people around the world who are connected to the internet, roughly 40%
  • Approximately 50% of those people use the internet at least once a day, so 20% of the world's population goes online daily, using the stats provided, that means there are roughly 1.425 billion people online every day
  • NOW, time for the good stuff, 1 in 5, (ONE IN FIVE!?!?) searches on google are for porn
  • So, if we assume that no one watches porn more than once a day... We can state that porn is searched/viewed 285 MILLION times a day

That's crazy!   Like seriously, what the hell!?   How addicted to porn can this planet be?   Let's get real, everyone who is reading this blog has seen it, don't lie to yourselves.   The Hub, you know the one I'm on about, received 5800 page views A SECOND, nice work guys.

Now, from my POV, it's pretty obvious that porn is the most addictive thing on the planet, but is it as bad as smoking, drinking, or drug addiction?   To tell you the truth, I don't really care, I tried to look it up online but I got... distracted.

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